Non Newar students doing well in Newa language

There are many Newar principals who run schools in the Kathmandu valley. They are seen in most of the Newa activities programs. They speak loudly in favor of Nepal Bhasa on the stages. They take out the rally for Nepal Bhasa as if they are very much fond of Nepal Bhasa. unfortunately they are the ones who are afraid to teach Nepal Bhasa in their schools. They speak in KHAS language with their children and wives. They do not have GUTs to teach Nepal Bhasa, speak Nepal Bhasa among themselves. They only want to show their faces in the masses as if they are love Nepal Bhasa lovers.

But there are many people who have courage to teach Nepal Bhasa in their schools. They do not talk HIGH or BIG & LOUD but do the things in action. They are as following:

1) Banita Agrawal never joins BHINTUNA rally but teaches Nepal Bhasa in her school.
2) Renuka Bajracharya is not a BIG enterpreneur but has got a BIG HIMMAT to
run a mother tongue based school named YALA NEWA INT'L SCHOOL.
3) Shyam Maskey never comes to stage of Nepal Bhasa programs but he manages
to teach Nepal Bhasa even to Non Newar studnets at Rastriya Ni. Ma. Bi.
4) Hira Devi Maharjan is a house wife of Balambu village. But took initiative to establish BHASTIPUR NEWA SCHOOL to presreve Nepal Bhasa through children schools.
5) Dan Sova Tuladhar proved that Nepal Bhasa can be taught in Montessori schools as well. She is teaching Nepal Bhasa in her school LASANA PRE-SCHOOL to Newars and NOn Newar children.
6) Uday Man Tamrakar runs WINTER DAY CAMP in Nepal Bhasa for children.

There are many people who really do good for Nepal Bhasa in action than talking. We have to distinguish who are genuine and who are hypocrats.

Dipak Tuladhar